An app to organize your library and to whom you lend your books

An app to organize your library and to whom you lend your books

Organize your library It can be quite a difficult task. Sometimes it is difficult to keep track of what we have and what we do not have. We can use more classic measurements like creating an Excel sheet to see what we have or we can use an application like Library to order all of our books like on Goodreads.

Library: organizing your library with your mobile is possible

Library is a fairly simple application available for free on the Play Store. It is a program exclusively dedicated to organizing your library, although of course, you must enter the data first.

You have several ways to enter the information of your books. The first and simplest is scan the barcode with the camera of your mobile phone. It will be enough to choose the option, point and identify. Library will then check the code against its own database to show what is needed.

How to organize your library with Library

The second option is to enter the ISBN code that each book has. The third option is search directly on the internet so as not to depend on having the book in front of you. And the last option is to enter all the data of manual way, something that will be very useful when the database fails.

Once added, you can give a qualification to your books, in addition to adding a description and other ways of customizing your list. You can also order them in different ways, either by its title or by the name of its authors. You can search within your list and you can also create a wish list, which you can also share privately or on social networks.

More Library Screenshots

Get your books back: don't forget who you leave them to

Another interesting option from Library is the possibility of set reminders when you put down a book. This way, the person you loaned it to may forget they have it, but Library does not. You can also export your information in a CSV file and create backup of your lists so as not to lose the data.

With all these functions, organizing your library with your mobile phone is a very simple task. You will always have at your disposal all the information you need to know what collections you have up to date and what books you need to buy. Plus, you won't lose borrowed books either: Library it will remind you who has them to avoid it.

If you want to try Library, you can download it for free through the Play Store:

Developer: mika rebensburg
Price: Free

      lottery said

    it is interesting but it is limited to mobile. in the end I opted for an option to manage my personal library from a computer, with the library management program xl. On you can see some of the options.