How to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp?

If there is an application in common among the millions of smartphone users today, it is surely WhatsApp. WhatsApp represents the most popular messaging app in the world, thanks to a simple and efficient use mechanism. Although there are much more powerful alternatives, this option has become the reference when it comes to communication tools. In that sense, We want to clarify a question that many users have and it is how to know if they have blocked you on WhatsApp?

If you've tried to write to someone and get no response, we'll help you recognize the signs that you've been blocked. To do this, we will not use applications or external services, but we will observe a series of clues that will allow us to reach a conclusion.

5 questions to know if you have been blocked from WhatsApp

How to tell if you've been blocked from WhatsApp isn't something we can conclusively determine with an app. For this reason, The process that we will follow to determine it is based on answering a series of questions from the performance of some tests.. In this sense, the more negative answers the questions in question have, the higher the probability that you have been blocked. Also, if all the answers are negative, then you can be sure that it is indeed so.

Can you see his last connection?

last connection whatsapp

We know that seeing the last connection is an option that can be disabled, however, for those who have it active, it represents the first symptom to review. If you try to check when you last connected and the exact time doesn't appear as usual, then you already have the first indication of a blockage..

However, As we mentioned before, this information can be hidden and therefore we cannot take it as a determining symptom..

Have you changed your profile picture?

Whatsapp profile photo

Many WhatsApp users tend to be very active in the area of ​​their profile picture, changing it frequently. In that sense, If you notice that the contact in question has kept the same photo in their account or it simply does not appear, we can add a new indication that you have been blocked.

However, we must highlight the fact that this does not represent a decisive result to say that you are under the blocking function of WhatsApp. That is to say, there are many factors that can influence someone to stop updating their profile picture. Therefore, it is necessary to continue reviewing the rest of the questions.

Do you get your messages?

WhatsApp checks

Our next review will be to verify if the messages you send to the contact in question are arriving. Remember that in the WhatsApp chat area some indicators are used to show the status of the messages we send. So, one check indicates that the message was sent and two checks represent that it has been received. For its part, the blue double check shows that the message sent was also read, however, it is an optional configuration.

In this regard, If you have sent a message to that contact and only a check is displayed, it means that your message has not arrived.either. Although this may be due to different factors that mainly involve the lack of connection, within this context, add a new symptom to find out if you have been blocked from WhatsApp.

Can you establish a call through WhatsApp?

whatsapp call

This test is one of the ones that provides more concrete answers regarding how to know if you have been blocked from WhatsApp. In this way, toOpen the chat of the contact in question and touch the voice call option at the top of the interface, between the video call button and the 3-point icon.

If you manage to establish the call, then you can dismiss the block. For its part, if this process gives you an error, it can represent one of the definitive proofs that you have been blocked.

Can you add it to a group?

The last test that will help you determine if a contact has blocked you on WhatsApp is to try adding them to a group.. The blocking function of the application removes all possibilities for us to communicate with the contact in question. This, of course, implies not only the messages, calls and video calls, but the opportunity to add it to a group.

In this regard, To answer the last question about how to know if you have been blocked from WhatsApp, start by creating a group. Then select the contact in question to add and check the result.

If you were able to add them to the group without any problems, then you have not been permanently blocked. Nevertheless, If, on the contrary, the application indicates that you do not have authorization to carry out this operation and the rest of the previous responses were negative, we can confirm that you have been blocked.

These 5 steps can be executed in a matter of a few minutes and will allow you to know for sure if you have been blocked from WhatsApp. If you get 5 "No", then you already know what has happened and the reason why your messages are not reaching their destination.