How to prevent your children from using their cell phones during school hours?

How to prevent your children from using their cell phones during school hours

We currently live in an unprecedented digital age. Children and adolescents are not exempt from this technological revolution, so protecting their privacy and ensuring their safety is essential. Today we will talk to you about How to prevent your children from using their cell phones during school hours. This way you can ensure that education continues to represent a priority in your children's lives.

Each of the tools that we have put at your disposal It has very practical features and functionalities. They are ideal when it comes to exercising correct parental control about your children regarding the use they give to their mobile devices. Always remember to use them fairly and under the knowledge of your children.

How to prevent your children from using their cell phones during school hours? How to prevent your children from using their cell phones during school hours

The key to preventing your children from using their cell phone during school hours will be to install the Family Link app and create an account in it. This will allow you to control the use that your children give to their Android and Chromebook devices, so that when they have exceeded the time limit allowed for their device, it is locked.

Once you have decided to set time limits for device use, you will receive notifications when the time limit is about to be exceeded and your child's cell phone will be blocked.

What happens when your child's device crashes? 

  • Will not be available notifications.
  • It will only be possible to access those applications that you have previously established as "Always allowed." None other can be opened or used by your child.
  • You will only be able to respond to phone calls, and if you need to make one, Click on the Emergency option and dial the number established previously.

How are these time limits set with Family Link? How to prevent your children from using their cell phones during school hours

Application Family Link is an excellent tool for parental control, will undoubtedly be a very practical ally if you want to prevent your children from using their cell phones during school hours.

To establish these time limits for the use of your mobile phones you have to:

  1. First, download and install the Family Link app on your mobile device
  2. Open the app and make sure create an account for each member of your family, This will ensure that you can control their devices from your mobile.
  3. Then, select your child and followed by the Controls option.
  4. In the “Daily Limit” section you will click on the Configure option.
  5. Select those hours and minutes you want to set for time limits.
  6. Ready! This way your children They will not be able to use their cell phone during school hours or any other you determine.

What else can you do with Family Link? Google Family Link

While it is true that parental control applications have never been free from criticism and controversy regarding the control they exert on children, and the violation of their privacy that they supposedly entail, They are still a very good alternative to protect its and focus your productivity and attention on other types of tasks and activities.

Some of the other functions that you can access thanks to Family Link are:

  • Direct the content that your children consume to that which consider what is better for them.
  • Control What kind of apps do they download? on your devices.
  • Guide to what type of audiovisual material your children have access to through YouTube or YouTube Kids.
  • Manage Google accounts of your children and the permissions they grant to certain apps and websites regarding their personal information.
  • You can edit the personal information your children share on their accounts or social networks and change their passwords if they forget them.
  • Locate the location on the Family Link map in real time of your children at all times.
Google Family Link
Google Family Link
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free

What other parental control apps can you use to prevent your children from using their cell phones during school hours?

Kids place Kids place

This tool offers a safe experience when your children use their mobile devices It also prevents them from being used during school hours and other times when you consider it not appropriate.

You can protect all your children's information When using any type of mobile app, block notifications and ask them to make phone calls, download applications or make purchases within an app.

Kids Place is a application that offers multiple tools to better manage your children's activity with their cell phones and tablets. It is found in the Play Store and is completely free, with more than 5 million downloads to date.

Kids360kids 360

This is another of the better alternatives that you can find in the Play Store to control your children's usage time limits on certain applications and with their mobile in general.

This application It has been specially developed for the well-being and safety of children.  online. The most curious thing is that it cannot be installed secretly, it is just necessary to inform children and adolescents about it.

With Kids360 you can get:

  • Many options for set usage time limits of the devices. mobile phones by your children.
  • Set limits of times that you deem appropriate for your children to dedicate to their studies, to school, to sleep, to spend time outdoors.
  • Get detailed reports by the application on all the activity of your children on their mobile phones.
  • Control how long your children spend looking at the screen of their devices.
  • Always keep in touch with your children through messaging applications and phone calls that you can exclude from apps with limited usage time.

If you want to use it, You should know that you can download it in the Play Store. Where it has very good reviews from users and great popularity. Kids360 is a completely free tool, which has already accumulated more than a million downloads.

And that's all for today! Leave us in the comments what you think of these apps for Prevent your children from using their cell phones during school hours. If you know of any other apps that could help parents with this, let us know below.