Are they watching you on WhatsApp? Steps to make sure

WhatsApp prevents taking screenshots of profile photos

WhatsApp It is the messaging app of the moment. Billions of people around the world use it daily, making it an essential platform to achieve effective and fast communication. But what happens if they are monitoring you on WhatsApp?, cyber attacks and hacks are becoming more common every day, so you must be prepared for it.

User concerns about the security and privacy of the information they Through these apps, sharing is increasing daily. It is no wonder, so it is necessary to know how to act to protect yourself in these cases.

Are they watching you on WhatsApp? Steps to make sure Applications

Although the fact that someone is spying on your WhatsApp It is not the most common thing today, nor is it something totally strange, even more so when we are not careful about who we lend our devices to or online security.

There are some signs that could indicate that someone has had access to your WhatsApp account, for example:

Your cell phone battery drains unusually quickly Are they watching you on WhatsApp? Steps to make sure

Although it is totally normal that when using our devices for prolonged periods of time the battery drains more quickly, if this happens, Even without using the mobile, it could indicate that the device has been hacked. This is because all this spy work comes with considerable battery drain.

You receive notifications about verification codes

This is one of the unmistakable signs that someone is trying to access your WhatsApp account from another device without your consent. If you have not installed the app again or requested verification of your number, you need to act quickly to find out if you are being monitored on WhatsApp.

The activity in the app is unusual

If the messages you write are not always sent, or instead, you begin to detect messages that you have not written, This is an immediate warning sign. You must take special care in your inbox to detect any unusual activity in time.

Mobile data consumption increasesAre they watching you on WhatsApp? Steps to make sure

If you notice that your mobile data increases suspiciously, You can monitor it through the Settings application on your mobile. Here you can see how much the WhatsApp app has consumed historically, this way you can confirm if WhatsApp consumes more data lately.

Changes are made to the settings you have configured in the application

Whether from noticeable changes such as the profile photo or your information on the platform, as well as in the privacy settings or even in the states. It is important that you be observant and check what is happening in the event of any change.

How to prevent someone from spying on your WhatsApp?

Sign out of other linked devices

WhatsApp allows you link more than one device to the same account, which sometimes makes it easier for other people to spy on your WhatsApp by linking their device without your authorization. To find out if there are any strange devices linked to your account, do this:

  1. Once you are on WhatsApp, go to settings of the application.
  2. Then, check on linked devices to the account if there is one that does not belong to you.
  3. In case there is a session or start that you are not aware of, proceed to close it quickly, since they have surely been atoning for you.

Set a fingerprint lock for the WhatsApp app WhatsApp

While it is true that it is best to always use a biometric protection method for your mobile, We would like to place special emphasis on the WhatsApp app. And it is actually quite simple to activate fingerprint unlocking for this application from its own settings.

To activate it, you must:

  1. In the WhatsApp app, you have to go to its settings.
  2. Then, access the Privacy section and followed by the Application Lock option.
  3. Check slide your finger on the screen until you locate said tab.
  4. Activate the option to activate the lock with biometric features.
  5. This will prevent someone from taking your phone and spying on WhatsApp.

Activate Two-Step Verification Two-step verification

This is one of the functionalities with which the platform account to add extra protection to your WhatsApp account. Once you have activated this verification, you can add your email address. This is very important, since if you forget your PIN, WhatsApp can send a link so you can reset it without difficulty.

Keep in mind that remembering this PIN is very important. WhatsApp will send you regular notifications on demand to confirm the pin and verify in this way that it is you who is controlling the WhatsApp account and not someone who is spying on your mobile.

How to activate it?

  1. The first will be access the WhatsApp application on your mobile device
  2. In the app Settings, you have to go to Account, and then to Two-Step Verification.
  3. At this time, It is necessary to enter a code of about 6 digits and follow the instructions shown to you.
  4. It's that simple, with so few steps you can use this effective method protection and security.

You must update your device to the latest version of the operating system

In case you think you are being watched on WhatsApp, one of the main recommendations is that you update it quickly to your latest version of the operating system, whether Android or iOS.

As is well known, with each new update, New patches are released for the security of your device. In addition, errors and failures can be corrected that make your mobile phone a perfect target for cyber attacks.

How to protect your WhatsApp account? Are they watching you on WhatsApp? Steps to make sure

To keep your account safe, and away from malicious people who wish to atone for your WhatsApp, and steal all the information in this app contained you will have to follow some tips:

  • Do not share with other users the app registration code or PIN to perform two-step verification.
  • Keep Two-Step Verification onAlso, be sure to add an email address which will increase security in case you forget your PIN.
  • The password you save for your voicemail It must be safe and difficult to guess. This will make it difficult for anyone to access it.
  • makes a regular review of all devices you link to the app, this can be reviewed in the Settings section of the application itself.
  • The safest is that keep your device protected with a password.
  • In addition, you must keep an eye on who you have physical contact with with your mobile phone, this way you will know who could be waiting for you on WhatsApp.

This set of tips can be really useful, and make the difference between a possible WhatsApp hack, and maintain your privacy and information online. It would be very practical for you to educate your friends and family so that they can also protect themselves from this type of cyber attack.

And that's all for today! Let us know in the comments if you have learned how to detect if they are watching you on WhatsApp, as well as what you should do about it to guarantee the protection of your data and information.