In recent weeks, the Telegram situation in Europe has taken an unexpected turn. Following a complaint filed by several media outlets for alleged infringed copyright, a Spanish judge ordered the precautionary blocking of the application in the country. This decision was temporarily suspended, but the possibility of closure remains latent. If you are worried about the security of your conversations and data on Telegram, it is best to make a backup of your chats. We teach you how to do it here.
How to backup your Telegram chats
Knowing how to back up your chats on Telegram will ensure that your messages, images, and files are not lost in case the block goes into effect.
Back up your chats for greater peace of mind through the process that we will teach you below. It is simple and can be done from the desktop version of the application.
- On your computer, download and install the Telegram desktop app.
- Open the app and go to the settings menu at the top left.
- Choose "Advanced»And then select«Export Telegram data«.
- In the pop-up window, Check the boxes for the following options: "Account information", "Contact list", "Stories archive", "Chat types", "Channel types" and "Media file types".
- Also select «Human readable HTML» and wait for the download process to complete.
- Your Telegram data will be available in the folder «Downloads\Telegram Desktop«.
Good news on Telegram
Not everything is bad news on Telegram, since the application has also very recently presented a series of new features and updates.
- Telegram Business: Thanks to this new feature, companies will be able to connect a Telegram bot to their account to process and respond to messages on their behalf. It offers options such as excluding chats with contacts, replying only to new chats, and customizing the conversation start page. You can also create unique links to start a chat with the company and suggest a predetermined message.
- sticker maker- The general version of Telegram now includes a built-in sticker creator to customize stickers to your liking and pleasure.
- Control over link previews- Allows you to change the size, position and select which link generates the preview when multiple links are sent.
- Quote parts of a message- You will be able to select a specific fragment of a message instead of having to quote the entire message.
- Story statistics for channels- Channel managers will be able to see metrics about their audience's interest in stories.
- Account customization for Premium users- Unique colors, icons and backgrounds will be available.
- Stories with forward and rewind options: by holding down and swiping.
- Editable front flash for selfies in stories- This function allows you to adjust the color tone and intensity of the front flash when taking selfies for stories.
- Transcription of voice and video messages to text, although with some limitations for non-Premium users.
- More features for channel managers- They will be able to choose which emojis are available to react and add custom emojis.
- Video messages in stories: You can add a small selfie video in the stories.
- Discover recommended channels, similar to the ones you have recently joined, using artificial intelligence.