How long will it take for mobiles to update to Android 7.0 Nougat this year?

Android N Night Mode

Android 7.0 Nougat is the new version of the operating system that was presented a few months ago as Android N, and whose name was confirmed not so long ago. It was going to be launched in the summer, but it is not available yet. However, the key is to know how many mobiles will update to the new version of the operating system and how long it will take until that happens.

Updates that take a year

And is that one of the big problems that we find is that some updates take almost a year to reach smartphones. And in fact, they take even longer if we take more factors into account. For example, if we take into account the moment in which a new version is announced with its name Android N until it finally reaches smartphones, more time passes in some cases. That means that since users begin to know about some of the functions that will come, until these functions finally reach their mobile, a long time has passed. In fact, by that time, by the time they receive said update, they will already be talking about the future new version of the operating system. Just a few days ago some Sony Xperia smartphones updated to Android 6.0 Marshmallow, now that Android 7.0 Nougat is almost here. It's not that updates for smartphones are unwelcome, but it can be said that they no longer have as much relevance.

Android N Night Mode

That is why we will have to see how important manufacturers give updates to the operating system with this new version. At the moment, there are many changes in the generations of the different smartphones, and it would not be unusual for manufacturers to put aside some mobiles. It could also happen that it was not like that and that before the end of the year there are many mobile phones that have been updated. We will see.