Motorola, already of Google, before a triple destiny

We already told here yesterday that Google's purchase of Motorola was official. They take away their mobile division, for about 10.000 billion euros. We said then that only time could tell what will happen with Motorola now. But some are already playing fortune tellers. In order not to be mistaken, they propose three possibilities: That Google complies and maintains the two businesses separately, that it keeps its patents and sells the manufacture of mobile phones or, neither one nor the other. So anyone gets it right.

Mashable colleagues have drawn that triple scenario after purchase. The landing of the Google folks, led by Dennis Woodside, has already begun. Although Woodside is more of a manager than anything else, he brings with him prominent people from the tech world, like a former head of DARPA, the organization that investigates the limits of science for the American military.

In the new state of affairs, the first possibility is the one that has already been announced by both parties. Motorola will continue as before, working on its business of making mobile phones, without interference from Google. But that will raise suspicions among the other manufacturers who have trusted Android. Will Motorola have a favorable treatment when receiving the new versions of the operating system? To clear them, Google seems willing to open the range of manufacturers that Android would receive before anyone else.

A second possibility that analysts have highlighted is that Google discover its true intentions that would not be other than to get hold of the 17.000 Motorola patents. If so, mobile manufacturing would not interest you at all and I would be willing to sell the factories to the highest bidder. With those patents, Google would be buying peace and could end the patent war that threatens Android.

But there could also be a intermediate solution of uncertain future, that of making the road together. In this case it could well happen that Google would end up engulfing Motorola, which would end in indifference. Do you remember buying Skype on eBay? Well that. The day-to-day work of Motorola engineers could be very complicated. They would not know whether to bet too much on Android to please the bosses or Windows Phone to show independence, for example. This is what I wrote at the end of my first post about buying. Only time will tell what happens to the inventor of the mobile phone.

We have read it on Mashable