How to block any user on TikTok

TikTok has become one of the most popular social networks of the last two years. It is especially popular with younger users. As in other social networks, there may also be users who are bothering us and with whom we no longer want to have contact. Therefore, we can bet on blocking a user on TikTok.

This action is something that surely many of you already know, but those who have been in the app for a short time know how to use it. Here we tell you how it is possible to block any user on TikTok. This way this person will not be able to have any more contact with you and will stop bothering you in this way, which is what you want in this regard.

TikTok is a social network where the well-being of the user is of great importance, so it is sought at all times that they are happy or feel safe on the platform. Because, blocking another person can be seen as a way to stay safe and comfortable in this social network. The social network allows us to do this at any time with any other user we want, if there are people who have bothered us or are leaving us insulting comments, for example.

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Block another user on TikTok

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Blocking another user on TikTok is something that will make this person will not be able to interact with us. You will not be able to see our profile or the content that we upload to it. In addition to not being able to send us messages or leave comments on those contents that we upload to our profile. So the contact is completely removed or blocked by this action. This is something that we can do if there is someone who is bothering us or with whom we really do not want to have any contact.

The social network allows us to block any user we want whenever we want. In addition, the process to do this is something really simple, so it will only take a few seconds to do this in our account. The steps we have to follow in this case are:

  1. Open TikTok on your Android phone.
  2. Go to the profile of the person you want to block.
  3. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  4. A context menu opens.
  5. Choose the Block option from the options that appear on the screen.
  6. Confirm if necessary (you may be asked if you're sure you want to do this).

Thus we have blocked a user on TikTok for Android. The steps are very simple, as you can see, as well as being something that we can also do in other versions of the social network at any time, such as its version for iOS, where there are the same steps to follow.

Block users in batches

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The social network also has a second option that will surely interest many. Some time ago TikTok introduced the possibility of blocking in batches. This is an action with which you will be able to block several accounts at the same time, in the same action. This is an action designed above all for those accounts that are leaving annoying or insulting comments on your profile and in the posts you upload to it. So you end this directly with this action.

It is a function that many users in the app do not know, but it can certainly be very useful. Since if there are a few accounts that are bothering you, leaving annoying or even offensive comments, you can end them in the same action. Of course, these are accounts that you block because they leave offensive or annoying comments on your profile and publications, they must have done this in order for it to be possible to block them. The steps you have to follow to do this on TikTok are:

  1. Open TikTok on your phone.
  2. Go to the publication where the comments of the people we want to block are.
  3. So, we hold down on one of the comments. You can also tap the pencil icon in the top left corner to access post options.
  4. Tap Manage multiple comments.
  5. Select the comments (the app allows you to choose up to 100 comments from different people).
  6. Once selected, click More.
  7. Select the Block account option.

With these steps we have blocked multiple accounts on the app at the same time. In addition, it is something that we can do with up to 100 accounts at the same time, so if there are many trolls or people who are bothering us in their comments, we can eliminate them really quickly and efficiently in the app. This is something that we can repeat as many times as we want, although in the same publication the maximum is 100 comments/accounts that can be blocked. So keep this in mind when we want to do it. But it is at all times a quick way to block many accounts on TikTok.

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How to unblock a user on TikTok

We have already seen the way in which we can block a user on TikTok, but there may be a time when we want to do just the opposite. We may have changed our minds or made a mistake when we blocked someone in the app because we blocked the wrong profile. Luckily, these types of actions are somewhat reversible, so we will be able to unblock a user that we have previously blocked in our account without any problem.

This is something we can do with any of the accounts we have previously blocked. Of course, unlike the previous section, the unlock option is something that can only be done with a single account. That is, if we want to unblock several people we will have to do it one by one, so the process in some cases can be long. There is not (at least for now), an option with which to unlock all or several accounts that we have blocked on TikTok. If we have made the decision to unblock someone, these are the steps we have to follow in the app:

  1. Open TikTok on your Android phone.
  2. Go to the profile of the person you want to unblock in the app.
  3. Click on the three points located in the upper left corner of the screen.
  4. Wait for a menu with options to appear.
  5. Among the options on the screen, tap Unlock.
  6. Repeat the process if there are more accounts.

This is not the only way we can unblock a user on TikTok. There is a second method we can use in those cases where we do not remember the username of this person we want to unblock. The steps for this other method are:

  1. Open TikTok on your Android phone.
  2. Go to the Application Settings.
  3. Enter the Privacy section within these settings.
  4. Go to the Blocked Accounts section.
  5. Search that list for the person or people you want to unblock.
  6. Press to unlock it.
  7. Repeat the process with other accounts you want to unlock as well.

Limit interaction with other users

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If we want to prevent trolls or annoying people from commenting on our TikTok posts, we can always make our account private. This is a way to avoid this type of comment or inconvenience, since when someone wants to follow us, we will have to approve that request first. This way we have more control over who are the people who follow us and it is likely that there will be no trolls or negative or annoying comments. This is an option that can work, although this is not something that all users on the social network want to do.

In addition, there is a way to limit interaction with other users in the social network. This is an option that will allow us to have control over various aspects, such as who can comment on our publications, who are the people who can send us messages, and more. These are options that help to significantly improve the privacy of a TikTok account, so it can certainly be worth taking this into account and configuring these options.

This is something that is available in the Security section of TikTok settings. There is a Privacy section, where we find a list of configurable options to our liking, so that we can improve the privacy of the account on the social network. Options include comments, mentions, direct messages, and more. This way we will have control over who can send us a message or leave a comment on a publication that we have uploaded on the social network, for example. This is a way to limit unwanted account interactions, because we can make it so that only our friends leave comments or are the ones who send us direct messages, for example. Especially if your child has an account on the social network, it is good to configure these types of options and thus be able to clearly limit unwanted interactions with their account.