Apps for housewives (I): Out of Milk and Supertruper

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Years and years I have tried to get my mother to go to buy at the supermarket and don't forget anything. Let's face it, taking the time to try is a complete failure. However, I am hoping to end that myth, thanks to Android. In this special we are going to focus on apps for housewives. We start by talking about Out of Milk and Supertruper.

And before you start commenting that these applications are also useful for more people, I must say that I know, and that I agree. But let's face it, there was no way to define these apps more clearly. This time we are going to focus on two ideal applications to go to the supermarket and not forget anything.

Out of Milk

The shopping list will never be what it was with Out of Milk. It is nothing more than an application that allows us to create shopping lists. And not just a list or two, but as many as we want. We can save new products as if they were notes, or even use the camera to scan the barcode, in such a way that the product that we want to write down on that list is automatically stored. This is ideal for when the milk runs out, as we only have to scan the barcode to get it written down.

However, on this we must make a nuance that can be very important, and that is that when you scan a barcode, sometimes what you note is a product in English, and not the product in Spanish. This is not a problem for people who are fluent in the Anglo-Saxon language, but if not, then there will be no choice but to enter the products manually. However, something remarkable is that when we start to write products, it directly makes recommendations, so we do not have to write the full name, but only start it.


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What differentiates Out of Milk from other similar apps is that we can share shopping lists. This makes the work much easier, since we can send it to another person who is going to buy, and that way we do not have to tell them all the things one by one. Once we have bought what we want, we just have to mark it so that it is unmarked. Out of Milk is a free application that is available on Google Play.

Google Play - Out of Milk


It is not the first time that we talk about this application, but it is the first time that we include it in the list of apps for housewives. Supertruper is an app similar to Out of Milk but totally aimed at Spain. In fact, although it allows you to create shopping lists and is one of its main functions, the true objective of Supertruper is quite another, since it is actually a product comparer. It also has a barcode reader, in such a way that when it recognizes a product, it compares its entire database of supermarkets to tell us what the price of it is in all of them, so that we can find where to buy it more. cheap. Then we can add it to the shopping list so we don't forget to buy it. Of course, it must be borne in mind that it does not compare with other similar products. That is, if we have bought a product that is only sold in that supermarket, it will not look for alternatives in other supermarkets, but it will only show us the price of that product in that place and nothing else. Supertruper is a free app that is available in Spain and now also in Mexico.

Google Play - Supertruper