How to avoid wasting time with your Android phone

android mobile

Our mobile phones are tremendously useful tools that allow us to access great wells of wisdom and perform multiple tasks thanks to their available utilities. They are also a nest of procrastination where you waste time watching videos of kittens for hours on end. We teach you to avoid wasting a lot of time using your phone.

The ying and yang of the mobile: being productive and wasting time

The Today they are the best laptop available to anyone. Few activities are out of reach, being able to use our smartphones for basically any work task whatsoever. From photo editing to writing, to managing social networks or sending an email, they are the modern Swiss army knife par excellence.

The problem is that our smartphones are also a inexhaustible source of leisureWhether it's watching the latest fashion series on Netflix, entering YouTube to see the latest viral video, wasting time on social media or playing the latest fashion game from the Play Store. Sometimes it is difficult to resist the temptation and not waste time.

How to avoid procrastination on Android

Wikipedia define the procrastination as "the action or habit of delaying activities or situations that must be addressed, replacing them with other more irrelevant or pleasant situations." Instead of doing what we should, we dedicate ourselves to other tasks that are infinitely less productive, but more rewarding. How can we avoid it? Blocking the applications of our phone, of course.

Get Off Your Phone is an application of the Play Store which is dedicated to exactly that: block your phone's apps for a specified time to prevent you from procrastinating so you can dedicate yourself to being productive and doing the tasks you owe. You can choose to block any app for 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, or 3 hours. On the lock screen it will tell you how much is left to finish the lock, something that will also show you if you shake the phone. It has ads, which can be eliminated if you pay the 0'99 euros that the Pro version costs. It is the only difference between both versions.

avoid android procrastination

Thanks to this application, you can block social networks and games that waste your time. This comes in handy at times when you have to dedicate yourself to study or work and when the smartphone is an excuse for not doing what you should. How long the lockout lasts will depend on you and your self-control, so this application will be as effective as you let it.

If you want to try Get Off Your Phone, you can download it for free from the Play Store. The paid version costs 0'99 euros and only remove the ads, the rest of the functions are the same:

Get Off Your Phone
Get Off Your Phone
Developer: XerXes
Price: Free
Donation App for GOYP!
Donation App for GOYP!
Developer: XerXes
Price: 0,99 €