How to detect and repair a dead pixel on the mobile screen


There comes a time in the life of every tech hobbyist or professional who must face one of the most common plagues of our decade. Detect and repair a dead pixel on the display of one of our devices. Whether on a TV, computer, tablet or mobile, it is possible, with a bit of luck, to solve this uncomfortable problem and then we are going to reveal how to do it.

This feeling of discomfort when you discover a small point of color or black on the screen of your mobile is one of the most common problems to find in a technological device. Fortunately, its appearance does not mean that we have to live with this failure forever, as there are ways to detect and repair a dead pixel on the mobile screen.

And it is not the only thing that you can repair on your Android smartphone, since as we reveal in the following article, thanks to the ifixit application you will be able to give a new life to your terminal by eliminating all possible failures that may appear throughout its life.

iFixit Cover
Related article:
Learn how to repair your Android with iFixit

Detect a dead pixel on your mobile

We are going to work with two applications that will allow us to detect a dead pixel on the screen of your smartphone. The first one is Display Tester, an app aimed at thoroughly testing the screen of your Android device in order to detect possible errors. With a bombardment of RGB images this application will allow you to check if you actually have any dead pixel on your display as well as finding many others.

Repair dead pixel on screen

Normally the appearance of a dead pixel usually ends in the use of the terminal's warranty, a warranty that only covers three dead pixels on the screen to allow service. That is why through the same application we can try to bring this pixel back to life as long as it is not too late.

display tester screenshots

What this application, or others with the same objective present in Google Play, does is bombard the screen with a video that passes quickly between RGB colors in order to repair a dead pixel. We warn that once the process has started it is advisable not to look at the screen, as it can cause problems for the user, especially if they have a history of epilepsy.

Although this method is not 100% reliable and may result in outright failure, there are numerous users who have succeeded repair a dead pixel on your screen thanks to this system, so before you start pulling your hair we recommend that you try it to try to solve the uncomfortable problem.