Discover all the features of the Galaxy S5 thanks to a video

Video Samsung Galaxy S5

It was only a matter of time before the first promotional video of the Galaxy S5 (not a TV ad). The fact is that this can already be seen on the Samsung Mobile channel on YouTube and it is possible to see first-hand all the news that this new phone offers.

Again a great reference is made to the improvement in the daily use of the terminal, one of the great objectives of Samsung when putting the new Galaxy S5 into play. But, obviously, the first thing that can be seen in the recording is the design of this phone, which is again very stylish -for fine- and that comes in different colors on its back cover (which now has a new look with small perforations).

After indicating which are the components of this model, such as the battery, processor and screen (in the latter a little more emphasis is placed), he pauses for a moment in all the news that is included in relation to the camera that is included in the Galaxy S5, which are many and not only come in relation to a sensor that includes more megapixels. Here is the video we talked about:

As it has been seen, there are interesting news regarding WiFi connectivity (especially with the new Download Booster functionality) and, of course, everything related to the health section that the Galaxy S5 includes is shown, since improve the app S Health and a sensor that measures the heart rate is also included.

Finally, it must be said that being a long video (three minutes and forty-five seconds), it is time to see how the fingerprint reader included in the lower part of the screen works and, in addition, the options to communicate both with Samsung smartwatch or bracelet Gear Fit. Oh, and don't forget the new water and dust resistance. In short, the Korean company shows everything that this new terminal offers ... is that enough?

Source: Samsung Mobile

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