Wet mobile and rice, origin of the myth

mobile wet rice

It is one of those pieces of wisdom that nobody knows where it came from, that kind of knowledge that all cultures have. about put a cell phone wet in rice It is something that we have all heard at some point, but few know further. But in AndroidAyuda We don't want to be left with the doubt, and we are going to solve it for you. In this article we will try to answer the following questions: should you put a cell phone soaked in rice? Where does this idea come from? Stay to find out.

Since the beginning of humanity, popular knowledge has existed in societies. Thanks to the great communication skills developed by our species, the transmission of relevant information in communities became possible, and in some cases, between different groups of humans. This feature developed by the homo sapiens It would not be in vain, since it greatly increased our ability to adapt.

In this way, the humans who knew how to receive information and work better with it were the ones who managed to survive with the consequent reproduction, and they were the ones who ended up populating the world, becoming the communities we know today.

In other words, communication was what made us what we are. But in many cases, rather than information relevant to life, "gossip" can take other forms. The information that is shared may on many occasions not be totally true. AND when it is not easy to prove the falsehood of a statement, it can remain true for people.

Should I place a mobile dipped in rice?

glass container table

No, you must not. Now I explain why.

The moment a phone is submerged in water, suffers corrosion damage almost at the moment. Sometimes the phone turns off, sometimes you turn it off yourself (if it doesn't turn itself off, that's the best you can do). But then comes another important process. What do you do after your phone gets wet?

  1. You take your phone out of the pool, it's all wet and off, obviously the last thing you want is for him to take more damage. You regret juggling this and the car keys.
  2. The strategy of people on many occasions is to leave it in a ventilated space with natural light. But! Do you remember the infallible trick that you have heard wonders about: put the phone in rice.
  3. You go to the kitchen and look for a bag of rice, place the phone and that's it! To wait.


you come back 24 hours later, it's been a hard day without a phone, but everything could be better. At this time, the following scenarios may occur:

You got lucky

android phone in hand

Your phone turns on, and the battery is a little low. What actually happened is that the water evaporated inside the phoneAlthough some remains may remain. It is almost certain that your device suffered some liquid damage; however, it is also possible that the rice dust will cause some damage to the phone. Between both harmful elements, the useful life of the terminal will be reduced, and even if it still works, in the long run it could have more serious failures.

you're out of luck

The phone does not turn on, or turns on and restarts. Nothing happens, you put it to load, then 2 things can happen:

  1. It gets fixed, you go back to "You're lucky."
  2. not fixed: you can repeat the waiting process or take it to a professional. It may just never work again.

Placing Wet Phone in Rice: Summary

At no time did I say that the rice absorbed the water, because it is not something that happens. The phone dries normally, without any interference from rice. Instead, your terminal may suffer some damage (similar to those caused by water) if you get grain particles.

rice damaged phone

The image is a bit exaggerated but it explains the point

The reason this method is so popular and so many people believe it works is simple. Many times the phones fall into water, after this it is very possible that they will work again once they lose all the water. Many people are adapted to putting the phone in the rice, they always do it, and they assume that when the phone is fixed it is thanks to having put it in rice. The reality is that it is a myth without any support, but widely spread.

What to do with a wet phone

  1. remove accessories that you have connected at the moment and cables if you have any. Turn off your phone if it didn't turn off on its own in the splash.
  2. disassemble your phone everything that it allows you.
  3. Dry it with a soft piece of lint-free cloth.
  4. leave it on a clean surface in a ventilated area and where it receives natural light. Wait at least one day.

phone drying

Origin of the myth

Firstly, since the XNUMXth century it was a common practice to place chambers in rice to remove moisture. Around the year 2000, some cases of people who began to document having used this trick were known. Having been the first case with a Nokia 5130.

A month after the launch of the original iPhone, a forum documented the first time the trick was used with an iPhone.

To this day, it is still difficult to combat this phenomenon. Is very common for any technology professional to receive people every day who placed their phone in rice. It is not usually good news, since the damage is considerable.

The good thing about putting the phone in rice

mobile wet rice

However, even with all this said, maybe it's not such a bad idea to put the phone in rice. It may seem to you that what I say does not make sense, but "to Caesar, what is Caesar's". Putting the phone in rice has a positive effect on something: people's faith.

If you tell a person to put their phone in a corner for a day, they will say yes, but they won't wait 5 hours. then it will go to turn on your phone or even put it to charge when there is still water inside, and that's where the terminal came from.

Instead, if you tell him to put it in the rice, he will do it without hesitation. It is a matter of human behavior.

This article talks more about this phenomenon

In the end, that was it. I hope I have been of help to you, and that you now understand why putting a phone soaked in rice to fix it is a myth.