OverSkreen, a floating browser to exploit multitasking

If Android has an advantage over iOS, it is how open it is, and the freedom it gives developers to create applications using their imagination and the resources available to them. It is precisely this feature of Android that allows us to enjoy applications such as OverScreen, a floating browser that we can use while we carry out other tasks with our smartphone or tablet, and that is always kept on the first screen. Its operation is really attractive and allows us to take full advantage of multitasking.

The amount of options it offers us OverScreen It is so big that it is almost difficult for me to analyze it without skipping any of it, so I will go over a bit so that you can get a global picture of what the application is like. From here, the use that each one gives will depend on the needs you have and how it occurs to you that you can take advantage of it.

The browser is floating in the sense that it always stays on the screen, whatever we do, even if we open other applications or documents. This allows us to always have it on the front line, and never lose sight of where we are browsing, something very useful when what we have on the screen is something essential and that is updated regularly, such as a football game, or a video being played. from any video page on the Internet. It can also be interesting if we are writing an email and we want to be able to read something from the Internet while we write, such as precise data that we are going to send or something like that.

If the browser bothers us at a certain moment, we can compress it and only see the top bar, by clicking twice on this same bar. We can also minimize it with the gray button in the upper right corner, which will allow us to reopen it from the notification bar.

Something really interesting and that is almost unique to this browser, is that we can open several windows at the same time, and since we can resize these, we can be browsing several sites at the same time and be viewing them all on the same screen.

OverScreen It is a paid browser, yes, and we can find it by $1,99 on Google Play. However, the amount of positive opinions that we find in the application store is very large, and it seems that users like it a lot.