Priyanka, the new virus for WhatsApp. How to avoid it?

WhatsApp Messenger

WhatsApp is, almost in all probability, the most used and downloaded application for Android. The strange thing is that the number of viruses that try to attack WhatsApp are so few. One, yes, is infecting WhatsApp users around the world. Is named Priyanka, and is capable of modifying all our contacts, making the use of WhatsApp be complex.

Basically, what Priyanka achieves is that all of our users are renamed Priyanka. Of course, the use of WhatsApp is very complicated with this virus. It is one of the first viruses to appear for the messaging application, and it uses a security error in the app's code.

How does the virus arrive?

The virus reaches our smartphone when someone sends us a contact, whose name is Priyanka. Once we have accepted and downloaded it, it will be in our system, and all our contacts will be called the same.

priyanka whatsapp

How can we avoid the virus?

Best of all, the virus can be avoided in a very simple way. It is only necessary to reject the contact's submission. That is, if someone is sending us a contact with the name Priyanka, all we have to do is not accept it. In this way, it will not be downloaded and we will not have it in our system. Of course, knowing what it is about, it is very easy to avoid it. But without knowing it, it is easy to accept a contact, since it seems difficult that this could be a virus.

How to delete Priyanka?

Now, it is possible that we have already accepted the Priyanka contact and that it has infected our smartphone, changing the names of all our contacts on WhatsApp. In such case, what can we do? It is the application data that has been modified. Therefore, we have several options. Perhaps the most obvious would be to uninstall the application itself and then reinstall it. This option could work, but if the data remains stored on the smartphone, when we install WhatsApp again and recover the data from the previous application, we will continue to have the same problem. Therefore, it is best to delete the application data.

priyanka whatsapp

How to delete WhatsApp data?

To erase WhatsApp data we only have to use the Android system itself, which allows us to erase the data of any application. To proceed to delete WhatsApp data, we have to go to the Android Settings menu. Once here, we will have to go to the submenu Applications, where we will find several tabs, depending on the type of applications that we want to locate. What WhatsApp It is an application that does not come pre-installed on the smartphone, but we have had to download and install it, we look for it in the initial section, that of Discharged. Here we look for WhatsApp in the letter W, and click on it to see the application information. We do not want to uninstall the application, but to delete its data, something we can do in the second section of the screen, with the Delete data button. However, before deleting the data we must click on Force stop, which appears at the beginning of the screen. Once this is done, all data in the application will be erased, including conversations and contacts, as well as our own account. We will have to log in to the application again, with our phone number. And then, when we go to the contacts, it will again locate all the contacts in our agenda that have WhatsApp, with their respective names.

How to avoid future WhatsApp viruses?

This is one of the first viruses to appear for WhatsApp. Avoiding it is very simple. If we don't know anyone by the name of the contact they send us, the best we can do is decline the download. However, it is much more difficult to know if an image or a video contains viruses. Therefore, we must take into account if that person has notified us that he was going to send us something. If not, we can start to think that it is a virus. If you have warned us, but it seems that it is not in our language, or with errors, it is also possible that it is a virus. To make sure, the best we can do is ask that contact if they have sent us anything. If he says yes, it is difficult that it is a virus, but if he has not realized that he has sent us something, then it is a virus that is being sent automatically.

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