4G still does not reach half the speed that operators promise

Not yet a year ago - May 30, 2013 - that the Vodafone operator publicly announced 4G coverage in Spain. Since the "establishment" of the fourth generation mobile data networks in Spain, the portal has reached a record of half a million samples collected for the preparation of the 4st 150G speed study. Despite the fact that the operators offer us up to XNUMX megabits in this interesting study, in addition to many other aspects that are contemplated, it is shown that the current performance is well below the promised one.

There are still many users who maintain a third generation mobile data connection -3G- on their smartphones and tablets, but the last generation continues to grow at a good rate in number of users and, ultimately, consumers. A sector of these users decided to contract a 4G plan convinced by the maximum speed offered by its operator and, as we can see in this I study of 4G speed, the average speed based on the half a million samples collected shows that not only we did not reach the 150 megabits, but we barely managed to achieve 42% of the 'promised' speed by operators. Furthermore, in this study we can also review the main causative factors, precisely, of this imbalance between what is offered and what is real.

body 4g

Vodafone is the operator with the highest real speed in 4G connections

Based on the data collected by the study that concerns us in these lines, despite being very far from the 150 megabits of "peak" offered, Vodafone is the operator that has shown the highest average speed. Behind, Movistar, Orange and Yoigo follow in this order, as we can see in the previous screenshot taken from the study and in which fundamental data is collected. Those reflected in this publication and many other data related to 4G connectivity In Spain, as we already mentioned, you can find out about them in a developed and detailed way in the I study of 4G speed of the portal http://ddddd.net.es. To do this, you will only have to access the studio itself through the link that we offer you just below.

I 4G speed study

Source: adslzone.net