The 20 best apps for bloggers

Google Doc Sheets Slides

Many of you who read us have your own blog, work on one, or are thinking of creating one. In this case, here you have the 20 best applications that any blogger has to download on their Android smartphone or tablet.



If you are going to create a new blog, Blogger is one of the platforms you can opt for. The best of all is that it is from Google, so the chances that the positioning of this blog is good will be greater than if you opt for another platform. If you already have a blog that uses Blogger as a platform, then it is very clear that it is the best option.

Google Play - Blogger


On the contrary, if you already have a blog, and you want to go to the next level, turn it into a professional blog, then the best platform is WordPress. In addition, if what happens is that you work in a professional, and this is hosted in a hosting, you will be able to access it using the same data that you use to access the administration panel of said blog.

Google Play - WordPress

Google Docs

Although many users write their posts in the aforementioned applications, I always prefer to write them in Google Docs. There are many advantages. For one thing, Google Docs auto-saves, and the auto-save system works much better than WordPress. If the smartphone or tablet runs out of battery, the written text will have been saved, and that is something that all those who have lost articles because of the battery are grateful. In addition, if we work with a team of writers, other users can see what we write, and even participate in the same article.

Google Play - Google Docs

Other similar options: Microsoft OneNote

News search


Any news writer today has to be able to locate the news to write about. It is imperative to have a feed reader and a feed base with a large number of blogs and sources. The best application to manage all the articles that are published daily in these blogs is Feedly. It replaced Google Reader when it disappeared, and it cannot be said that there is any other service of such a level as this one.

Google Play - Feedly

Google Doc Sheets Slides

File storage

Google Drive

If you've ever had to write an article about an event, you know perfectly well how difficult it can be to locate photos of new releases. Having Google Drive can be very useful. Having a shared folder with other writers allows your work to be useful to others as well. When photos, or press releases, of a certain event are located, all the editors come to have this information.

Google Play - Google Drive

Other similar applications: dropbox, OneDrive

Time optimization

Clockwork Tomato

If there is something really complicated for a copywriter, it is not wasting time. When you have a large number of articles to write, and even sometimes your job is to wait for new news to come out, the job can become impossible. The Pomodoro technique aims to set breaks for the worker. Every so often it is necessary to stop working, and go for a walk. The app is dedicated to telling us when it's time to take a break.

Google Play – Clockwork Tomato

Other similar applications: Clear Focus: Pomodoro Timer

Social Media


If you have a blog, or you are a writer on a blog or you manage your restaurant, you have to be active in social networks to get a greater diffusion of your articles. Hootsuite is the most useful application to be able to manage both blog profiles and personal profiles on social networks.

Google Play - Hootsuite


Any writer who publishes a large number of articles reads an even greater number of potentially interesting articles daily. You don't have the whole day off to tweet your articles, and you're not going to post them all at once. However, yes, you can use applications like Buffer. You just have to send the articles to Buffer, which will be in charge of distributing the articles throughout the day and publishing them.

Google Play - buffer



If the number of articles you read per day is very large, the number of emails you receive is even higher. Talking about 100 emails a day is not enough. However, with email applications such as Gmail, everything is simpler, as it automatically classifies emails, so that we can focus on those that are really essential and leave the others for when we have time.

Google Play - gmail

Other similar applications: Yahoo Mail,, Mailbox


Google Keep

A writer who does not have a note-taking application is not a true writer. Google Keep can be a really useful application to jot down article ideas, to organize the articles that we are going to publish throughout the day, and even to create special article series.

Google Play - Google Keep

Other similar applications: Evernote



Forgetting about a new product launch, or an event about which an article needs to be published, can be a big mistake on the part of a copywriter. We have applications like Sunrise, which is a calendar that we can synchronize with Google Calendar and with iCloud calendars. Here we can add the launches and events of the different companies. In addition, if we add them in Google Calendar or in iCloud, we can also locate them in Sunrise.

Google Play - Sunrise



Trello is an application that allows us to create to-do lists. When we work on our own blog, with a team, or we are simply part of a team, Trello can be very useful to go down the ideas that can improve the blog or ideas for new articles to publish. Other writers can add new ideas, or use existing ones to write articles.

Google Play - Trello