Tumblr launches Cabana, an app to comment on videos with your friends


Many times you see a funny video on the internet and the first thing you think about is passing it on to your friends. Many times, in addition, you want to see the reaction of your friends when they see the video that you have seen. And so you can spend whole afternoons. Thinking of these people Tumblr has launched Cabana, an Android app that allows you to comment on videos with your friends while you watch them.

Cabana is a modern way and a step beyond what we do every day watching television, a football game or any other Eurovision type event: commenting on them with friends. Now we can do it from the same app and through video, without using another device or commenting on WhatsApp.


Cabana is an application developed by Tumblr that allows you to watch videos on YouTube while making video calls with your friends. All simultaneously so that you can comment on the videos together and laugh together even if you are not together at the time.

Calls can be with up to six people. Tumblr calls Cabana as a “digital sofa” that transfers to mobile or tablet those entire afternoons watching absurd YouTube videos with your friends on a sofa. Now you can do it without being together. From the application itself you can search for videos and share with friends.

The application was already available on iOS since Aprilly can now be used from any device with Android operating system. Of course, for it to work you will have to have a user account on Yahoo or Tumblr. Something that will be worth it if the application is as interesting as it seems.


The application is now available for download in the Google Play Store free of charge and also for manual download via APK. It is supposed to be available for all Android devices that have a version equal to or greater than Android 5.0 installed but if the first option does not work, just install the APK and start commenting on videos with friends.

The app was not found in the store. 🙁