Volkswagen Smileage, the first Art, Copy and Code experiment


Google launched a project last year aimed at partnering with advertisers to reimagine how brands would tell stories in this connected world. That is, what would the new advertising be like. He set out to reinvent the best-known advertising campaigns using new technologies. Thus, the new project Art, Copy and Code, was born for this purpose, and the first result of all the work is Volkswagen Smileage, an application capable of measuring the "smileage" of a car trip, be it Volkswagen or any other brand.

Other well-known brands such as Adidas are also going to participate in the program, although for now, the car brand is the first to launch its application, with the help of Google developers and with Volkswagen's creative teams and agencies. . They have focused on bringing last year's campaign back to life, in which they relied on the slogan «It's not the miles, it's how you live them», which comes to say something like "The kilometers do not matter, it matters how you live them." Thus, they have created an application that is capable of measuring the «smileage», which determines how fun a trip can be based on variables such as time, traffic, place, social interactions, etc. And an example is given, where a long drive on a sunny Saturday afternoon can have more "smileage" than a trip on a cloudy morning in a snowy area.


In any case, what stands out is that they have included functions that turn a normal, classic campaign into something much more modern. For instance, Volkswagen Smileage allows us to share our trip with our Google+ contacts, publishing photos or videos that we have taken ourselves or any of our companions, adding these automatically to an interactive map where you can follow your own trip. The application will soon be available in its Beta version and we can now request access to be the first to test it through the website created for that purpose.

Request access to Beta of Volkswagen Smileage of Art, Copy and Code