What is UpDay?: Know everything about this news source

What is UpDay?

If you are one of those people who like to keep abreast of the most relevant news on both the national and global scene, then without a doubt you must have heard about UpDay, what it is and what kind of news they share. We will be talking about all aspects related to one of the most read news applications in Europe, and with more than 5 million Spanish users.

And today there are many sources of information. There are so many news sources that sometimes it is difficult to trust the content that reaches us, for fear that it is not true. So UpDay offers you that confidence and guarantee of reading something that has been previously supported. by the most serious international news channels.

What is UpDay?

This is a news agency owned by the German-born publisher Axel Springer. Which gained special notoriety for signing a contract with the technology company Samsung, so that its application would be installed by default, on the technology company's smartphones. Considering itself one of the most read news pages on the European continent.

Upday with Samsung

The scope and expansion of Upday has gone on an unstoppable rise, even more so since its positioning in Spain, and other European countries. Users are counted today in millions. Today, the app can be found on the Play Store, It is no longer exclusive to the company's mobiles. This can now be downloaded from any phone with the Android operating system.

The app has a support of more than 35 countries. It has a large number of newsrooms in the most important cities of the European continent. Whose main task is the compilation of the most important and trending news, to position them in the Top News section, the favorite of users.

How does Up Day work?

It is quite simple and at the same time committed to an excellent service. It has two sections, mainly related to the dissemination of news most important in Europe and the world scene.

This application is adapting the content that shows your feed to topics in which you search or articles that you read regularly. In the offices of some countries, this information can even be obtained through audiovisual clips, capturing the attention of a larger audience.

Now, if something has led to the resounding success of this application, which at the time it became the most widely read news app in Europe, is to provide carefully verified and highly veracity information. This is something that users appreciate a lot, since the well-known Fake News is everywhere, even verified media often make this type of error.

Characteristics that have led it to resounding success

There are many reasons why users who like to stay informed choose it over many other existing ones. This was supported in its beginnings by the association with Samsung, which managed to position it at the top. Another of them is related to its interface, which is simple, intuitive, fast and easy to understand, designed for the liking and favoritism of all kinds of people.

We cannot leave behind the crux of this application, and it is the personalization of the information that reaches each user, thanks to the logarithm with which the app works. A constant and automatic selection is made of those news that may interest you, of course each of them has gone through a significant number of journalists and their fidelity to reality has been verified. Upday interface

The news displayed on UpDay, are organized optimally. The use of cards where an image and a brief description of the news are shown, in a very simple way without being several categories that only hinder the search.

If you're doing a search for the first time, you'll be presented with a few options, so you can choose the topics that are most important to you. If as you use the app you are shown news that is beyond your field of interest, you can select and cut them. This with the objective that the feed is personalized and perfected.

How to download this app?

As we mentioned before, this application, which was exclusive to Samsung in its early days, now it can be downloaded from any terminal. To do this you just have to follow these simple steps:

  1. Firstly You must have Internet access and good quality of service.
  2. Check have enough space of storage.
  3. Go to the Play Store and insert the name of the application in the search bar.
  4. Please read the application information carefully, as well as the issues related to the data to which the application will have access.
  5. If you agree with everything, then press download and wait. This process may take a few seconds or minutes.
  6. Once the application has been downloaded, access it and begins to carry out the corresponding steps for its configuration.

How many Spaniards attend UpDay?

The Spanish public represents a significant part of the users who prefer this application as their reliable source of information, and that is Of the more than 20 million people who use it, more than 5 million belong to this country.

There is no specific type of information that Spaniards prefer, since to tell the truth, among such a wide public, it is difficult that there is not a wide variety of preferences and interests. With great acceptance and good reviews of the application among these users.

upday what is

The statistics show that the average daily reading per user is over 5 minutes, very good figures for a news provider application.

Having knowledge of the most relevant events of today is the passion of many. Although this is often affected by the large number of sources, some of which are of dubious reliability. We hope that in this article you have learned a little about what UpDay is, and the dynamics of its work. Let us know in the comments what you think of this app. we read you