Google will announce the purchase of HTC tomorrow

Will be tomorrow when Google will officially announce the purchase of HTC. Or at least, so we can confirm it thanks to different sources. One of them is the freezing of HTC shares on the stock market, due to a large announcement. Companies do not freeze shares for a big announcement, except when they are to be acquired by others.

Google will announce tomorrow that it buys HTC

HTC will freeze the company's shares on the stock market tomorrow. They are going to make a big announcement. Until now, the company had not frozen the shares when it had introduced a new smartphone, so it seems clear that HTC's shares are actually going to be frozen because HTC is going to stop being an independent company, and is going to become a Google company.

In addition to that, there is also information that states that Some HTC employees are receiving invitations to come to HTC headquarters tomorrow for a major announcement, which would be the acquisition of the company by Google.

Google buys HTC

What will be the future of HTC?

What would be the future of HTC now that it is going to be acquired by Google? Something that can be confirmed is that The Google Pixel 2 is manufactured by HTC and will be presented on October 4. However, the Google Pixel 2 XL, manufactured by LG, will also be presented, and LG is not going to be acquired by Google. In addition, the original Google Pixel was already presented as a smartphone manufactured by HTC, so in reality the presentation of the Google Pixel 2 does not have to be related to the purchase of the company.

However, it is true that HTC's mobile sales were quite low. Google no longer markets the Nexus, but its own smartphones, and now they have acquired a mobile manufacturer to continue presenting their own smartphones.

Recently it had been claimed that HTC could introduce three new smartphones. Will HTC disappear as a mobile manufacturer and only Google phones will be presented? It's a posibility. Although the truth is that When Google acquired Motorola, Motorola continued to introduce Motorola smartphones. It is also true that when Google acquired Motorola not a single Google mobile was presented that was manufactured by Motorola. In this case, the acquisition of HTC does have the objective of Google continuing to present mobile phones.

It is also possible that Google's strategy is similar to that when it bought Motorola: make the company survive, which after all is a manufacturer of quality mobiles, keep the smartphone patents, and then sell the brand to some other company Like when you sold the Motorola brand to Lenovo.

However, tomorrow it would be officially announced that Google buys HTC. Although, it is true, that will not confirm what Google's goal is when buying HTC.




  1.   Fine-tuning said

    Fuck, what writing of the news: GREAT AD GREAT AD, I do not know anything if you freeze them or not