The 1st and 2nd generation, protagonists of the events of Pokémon GO


2016 is over but Pokémon GO is not over with it. The game that has undoubtedly been the game of the year is going to arrive with new events and surprises for these last days of 2016 and at the beginning of 2017. Specifically, a new event is presented that will be divided into two phases. At the moment, yes, there are no new Pokémon.

Two new events

The events in the Pokémon titles have an almost inexhaustible source and are very elaborate, such as that of Battle Residence in Pokémon Masters. Two events, or a new event divided into two phases, depending on how you want to see it. That is what awaits us in Pokémon GO. Niantic's game will launch from the December 25 a new promotion that will last until January 3. Throughout all these days the first PokéStop of the day will give us an incubator that will have a single use. In addition to that, it will increase the odds ratio what about what one of the second generation appears in the Pokémon eggs, something that will be quite positive.


The second event will start on December 30, and will last until January 8. And yes, as you can imagine, from December 30 to January 3, the two events will coincide in time. In this second case, the effective time of the bait will be doubled, which will last 60 minutes. But in addition to that, the number of possibilities that there are of any of the three initial Pokémon of the new will also be expanded generation along with Burmy in the fourth. That is, Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle, will appear more frequently throughout these days, so it will be great to get these Pokémon or additional candies of these if we had not already obtained them.

Pokémon GO still has a long way to go

News that comes to Pokémon GO and that is relevant, although they are still not everything we expected, since many of the second generation Pokémon still do not arrive. However, the fact that now three starter Pokémon of the first generation will have a higher appearance ratio leads us to think that it is likely that the second generation will soon have more prominence, and that the first generation will be left aside. Thus, it is time to get the necessary Pokémon to get hold of Charizard, Venasaur and Blastoise.

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