Android users spend up to eight times less on games than iOS users

A survey carried out in the main European countries (Spain is not among them) and the United States reveals three main things: games on smartphones have exploded, the number of those who pay to do so has doubled and that the majority of those who play it do they have an iPhone or an iPad. Androids seem to like free stuff better.

The Newzoo company, after carrying out a survey 17.000 people from the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and France, combined with monthly revenue and download data for the top 200 games on both Android and iOS, has uncovered a number of trends that may shape the future of advanced mobile gaming .

Although they have presented the data for each country separately, the results are so common to the five countries that it is possible to speak of global trends. The first thing they have revealed is that the number of smartphone gamers keeps growing. In U.S., for example, have already overcome the barrier of 100 million users who use their mobile device to play games. Two thirds of them do so on a mobile and the remaining third on a tablet.

But more interesting is to see how the ratio of players switching to paid games is growing. Americans are leading the trend again: 37 million of those who use mobile phones to play games have paid at least once for a game so far this year. That means 36% growth. But the numbers are similar in Europe, although smaller. Thus, in the main European market such as the United Kingdom, there are already 23,9 British people who pay for games, with a rise of 39%.

The last piece of information is the most intriguing. Although the increase in players is common between the two main platforms, Android and iOS, the spending pattern is very different between them. For every US Android user who pays for games, there are five iOS users. As a percentage of revenue, that means that Android accounts for 16% of the gaming business revenue.

In Europe the relationship is worse. Brits spend six times more on iPhone / iPad games than Android phones and tablets. And in Germany and France androids are still less spent: up to eight times less.

Newzoo experts see only one explanation for this abysmal difference. What would explain the successful monetization of the platform Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), is that this company requires users to link credit card details to their account, even if you are going to download something for free, which makes it very easy to pull the card at any given moment. Apple has been able to see something that this study reveals: more than 80% of spending is not made on buying games but on purchases once inside it.

Some may think that there with iOS users and that if you can play without paying, why spend money. The problem is, that can make the best games and creators think of iOS earlier than Android when it comes to making them.

You can see all the data on Newzoo

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